LPAR 2024: Volume InformationProceedings of 25th Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning31 articles•502 pages•Published: May 26, 2024 PapersFrédéric Blanqui 1-18 | Guilherme V. Toledo and Yoni Zohar 19-35 | Luís Cruz-Filipe and Peter Schneider-Kamp 36-50 | Lachlan McGinness and Peter Baumgartner 51-69 | Robert Freiman, Carlos Olarte, Elaine Pimentel and Christian Fermüller 70-87 | Pamina Georgiou, Marton Hajdu and Laura Kovács 88-105 | Tanel Tammet 106-115 | Naïm Moussaoui Remil, Caterina Urban and Antoine Miné 116-126 | Aaron Hunter and Alberto Iglesias 127-135 | Joseph Tafese and Arie Gurfinkel 136-146 | Johannes Schoisswohl, Laura Kovács and Konstantin Korovin 147-164 | Mark Chimes, Radu Iosif and Florian Zuleger 165-180 | Pablo Barenbaum, Delia Kesner and Mariana Milicich 181-197 | Martin Bromberger, Simon Schwarz and Christoph Weidenbach 198-221 | Sophie Rain, Lea Salome Brugger, Anja Petković Komel, Laura Kovács and Michael Rawson 222-231 | Matthias Baaz and Anela Lolic 232-245 | Johann Rosain, Richard Bonichon, Julie Cailler and Olivier Hermant 246-263 | Jelle Piepenbrock, Mikolas Janota, Josef Urban and Jan Jakubův 264-277 | Marton Hajdu, Laura Kovács and Michael Rawson 278-294 | Alexander Leitsch and Anela Lolic 295-310 | Daniel Ranalter, Chad Brown and Cezary Kaliszyk 311-320 | Katalin Fazekas, Florian Pollitt, Mathias Fleury and Armin Biere 321-340 | Christian Fermüller, Robert Freiman and Timo Lang 341-359 | Kristina Aleksandrova, Jan Jakubuv and Cezary Kaliszyk 360-369 | Ozan Kahramanogullari 370-389 | Rolf Hennicker, Alexander Knapp and Martin Wirsing 390-407 | Bernardo Subercaseaux 408-425 | Matthias Lanzinger, Stefano Sferrazza, Przemysław Andrzej Wałęga and Georg Gottlob 426-444 | Mudathir Mahgoub Yahia Mohamed, Andrew Reynolds, Cesare Tinelli and Clark Barrett 445-463 | Giulio Guerrieri, Giulia Manara, Lorenzo Tortora de Falco and Lionel Vaux Auclair 464-483 | S. Akshay, Supratik Chakraborty, Amir Kafshdar Goharshady, R Govind, Harshit Jitendra Motwani and Sai Teja Varanasi 484-502 |
Keyphrasesabstract interpretation, action model, arithmetic, automated inductive reasoning, automated reasoning3, automated software verification, automated theorem proving5, bags, belief change, blockchain protocols, Blocked-clause Addition, bounded tree-width, btor2mlir, bv, call-by-name, call-by-value, certification2, choice, CNF formulas, concept alignment, confluence, Constrained Horn Clauses, constraint solving, CTL, cut elimination, Datalog, decision lists, decision procedure, deep inference, dependent HOL, dependent type theory, eBPF, epistemic logic, epistemic process, epsilon calculus, evaluation strategies, first-order logic, first-order theorem proving, formal methods, Free-Variable Tableaux, Fuzzy Logic, game semantics, Game-theoretic security, Games semantics, graph grammars, Herbrand sequents, higher-order logic, Hilbert's epsilon formalism, hypergraphs, incentive compatibility, Incremental SAT, induction, Inductive proofs, intersection types, knowledge representation, lambda calculus, large language models, linear logic2, LIRA, logic programming, logical frameworks, machine learning, MLL, modal logic, model checking, monadic second-order logic, natural language, non-linear integer arithmetic, nondeterminism, NP-hardness, parallel reduction, Portfolio of Strategies, Preprocessing, program optimization, program verification2, proof certificate, proof checking, proof-net, Proof Schema, proof search, Proof-Search Procedures, proof theory, proof transformation, proof translation2, proofs, propositional dynamic logic, protocol verification, quantifier elimination, quantitative models, Reasoning, recursive programs, relations, Resolution Calculus, resource logic, reuse, rewriting2, SAT solving, satisfiability, Satisfiability Modulo Theories, saturation, Saturation-based proving, Security, sequent calculus, sequent system, sets, simulation, Skolemization, SMT2, sorting algorithms, sorting networks, SQL, static analysis2, Steamroller Problems, strategy invention, Strategy Scheduling, superposition, superposition calculus, symbolic abstraction, symbolic execution, synthesis, system description, tables, theorem proving, theory combination, Theory Politeness, Trust, Tuple-generating dependencies, verification, virtual substitution, weakest liberal precondition. |