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Workers Paradise: a New Approach to Every Daily Service Problems

EasyChair Preprint 4936

10 pagesDate: January 29, 2021


Web-based booking appointment systems are prevalent currently either online or using traditional queuing systems. Several businesses like hospitals use different Web-based appointment systems for their patients that makes appointments process more efficient, thereby minimizing patient’s waiting time and maximizing the total number of patients served. . This study presents a web based appointment booking system through web that that will help those people whose residents are very far away from market complex or they don’t have time to go to the market place. If someone has shifted to new city, for office work on any other reason, then it is very difficult for them to search best technician, electrician etc in their locality. This Web based system will help those working or non working persons. The system allows service providers and service seekers to simply gain access to the system by simply connecting to the internet. It also enables service seekers to give feedback to service providers based on their performance.If performance of any service provider is very low then it will be removed from the site by the admin.This system was developed using HyperText Markup Language(HTML5), Bootstrap framework, Java and My Structured Query Language(MySQL) as database. This wil enable the web application to be robust, cheap and capable of oprerating on variuos platforms. The system does not only fully automated, and perform excellently well, but also user-friendly, time effective and efficient.

Keyphrases: Booking, appointment, web-based application

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Akshita Sharma and Rishabh Kataria and Navneet Singh},
  title     = {Workers Paradise: a New Approach to Every Daily Service Problems},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 4936},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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