Author:Adeoye Ibrahim

EasyChair Preprint 14894
EasyChair Preprint 14883
EasyChair Preprint 14872
EasyChair Preprint 14870
EasyChair Preprint 14791
EasyChair Preprint 14752
EasyChair Preprint 14684
EasyChair Preprint 14665
EasyChair Preprint 14329
EasyChair Preprint 14636
EasyChair Preprint 14634
EasyChair Preprint 14631
EasyChair Preprint 14608
EasyChair Preprint 14448
EasyChair Preprint 14446
EasyChair Preprint 14445
EasyChair Preprint 14443
EasyChair Preprint 14437
EasyChair Preprint 14436
EasyChair Preprint 14362
EasyChair Preprint 14354
EasyChair Preprint 14329
EasyChair Preprint 14308
EasyChair Preprint 13852
EasyChair Preprint 13851
EasyChair Preprint 13782
EasyChair Preprint 13604
EasyChair Preprint 13604


3D human pose estimation, adaptation techniques, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), AI-driven Personalization, AI-driven personalization strategies, AI-driven testing, AI-driven tools, AI explainability, AI Interpretability, AI Transparency, anomaly detection, Apache Cassandra, Apache Kafka, APT detection, Artificial Intelligence2, Artificial Intelligence (AI)4, Artificial Intelligence., Augmented Reality, Authentication, Authorization, automated decision-making, automated testing, Azerbaijan, Banking risk management, Banking Systems, behavioral analytics, Benchmark Datasets, Biology2, black-box models, bug reduction, business growth, business sustainability and growth, climate-aware features, climate change, climate impact assessment, Climate variability, Coastal Region, computer vision2, computing, Conservative treatment, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), credit default prediction, Credit Risk Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Customer Segmentation, Cybersecurity2, data augmentation, data-driven customer segmentation, data privacy, data scarcity, Data Security, decision making2, deep learning, digital artifacts, digital ethics, digital interpretation, Digital transactions, Domain Adaptation, Domain Generalization, domain shift, Downscaling, dynamical downscaling, early bug detection., economic impact, economic welfare, ecosystem, emotional awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Encryption, ensemble methods2, Environmental Science2, Epidural Steroid Injections, ethical considerations., Event Streaming, Evolutionary Algorithms, Explainable AI (XAI), extreme weather events2, feature engineering, Financial, Financial Crime, Financial Forecasting, Financial Risk Management, Financial Technology, fraud detection, Geometric Augmentation, Glass Box Models, Grid Management, harnessing AI, Harnessing AI in Higher Education, hierarchical clustering, Human Factors, human judgment, Human Pose Detection, human pose estimation, interactive technologies, Interventional Techniques, labeled data, leverage Salesforce's AI capabilities, low back pain, machine learning8, Machine Learning (ML), Machine Learning Models, Machine Learning-Powered Churn Analysis, Market Fragmentation, Mitigating Risks, model generalization, Model Interpretability, Model Interpretation, model performance, Model Robustness, neural networks3, Neuro-Evolutionary Methods, non-tariff barriers, NoSQL, Pain Management, Pain relief, Photometric Augmentation, pose detection, pose estimation, Precipitation Changes, Predictive Analytics3, Predictive Patterns in Customer Behavior, Psychological Manipulation., quality assurance, real-time data processing, Regulatory Compliance, regulatory cooperation, Regulatory Divergence, Reinforcement Learning, renewable energy forecasting, risk assessment2, Salesforce, Salesforce Capabilities, sea level rise, Secure Data Transmission, security awareness, Shaping Tomorrow's Learning, Social Engineering, software development, software quality, Spinal Disorders, Spinal Injections, Statistical downscaling, SUCKERFISH, supervised learning, Supervised Machine Learning, Support Vector Machines, sustainable energy systems, Synthetic Data Generation, Targeted Marketing, Technological Affordances, technology design, temperature projections, test coverage, Therapeutic interventions, Trade Policy, Transfer Learning2, treatment efficacy, understanding and mitigating customer churn, unsupervised domain adaptation, unsupervised learning, US-EU Trade, user-centric approaches, user experience, Value Construction, virtual economy, • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), • Conventional Automotive Systems, • Energy Consumption, • Environmental Impact, • Fuel Efficiency, • Greenhouse Gas Emissions, • Lifecycle Analysis.