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Assessing Sustainable Journey-to-Work Solutions Around Stated and Revealed Employee Preferences: the Case of Bristol International Airport

EasyChair Preprint no. 12754

24 pagesDate: March 27, 2024


From an airport perspective, it is important that sustainable employee surface access plans are informed by employee stakeholder views, attitudes, and preferences. A comprehensive Bristol Airport employee journey-to-work survey was performed during the summer of 2022 with 326 responses received from 39 different employers, including 107 from the airport operator. The most popular travel choice amongst respondents was single occupancy petrol or diesel vehicles, which represented 62% of all employee journeys. The remaining 38% consisted of single occupancy hybrid/electric journeys (15%), Bus trips (13%), Multiple Occupancy vehicle trips (5%), Cycling (2%), Walking (1%), Booked taxis (1%) and Rail/Bus combinations (1%), representing a significant proportion given the airport’s regional location. Factors affecting modal choice related to overall trip cost and convenience, with the environmental impact of travel choices holding a growing but limited significance. The topography of the airport hinterland and the rural nature of the transport network were considerable influences affecting modal choice. Although more sustainable choices are growing, financial or other incentives would need to be provided to compensate for perceived changes to travel costs and convenience, with the most sought-after amongst Bristol Airport employees being free or discounted public transport and support for electric and hybrid private vehicles.

Keyphrases: Airport surface access strategies, Bristol Airport, employee attitudes, Employee travel, Employee views, Travel incentives

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BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {David Warnock-Smith and Joshua Fake},
  title = {Assessing Sustainable Journey-to-Work Solutions Around Stated and Revealed Employee Preferences: the Case of Bristol International Airport},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 12754},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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