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in Portuguese

The Academic Fraternity Contribution for the Future Professional Development

EasyChair Preprint 1932

11 pagesDate: November 11, 2019


This was based on the idea of an implementation of an academic fraternity and the benefits that it makes possible of being developed and improved for the intellectual en social development of the academic student. The problem that generated this study refers to the fact that many students reach the market after graduation unprepared to deal with all the knowledge and requirements demanded by the organizations and society even after having worked on academic projects and had a good internship. This study aims to demonstrate that the academic fraternity is a way for the developing of concepts of society, cooperation and life stages management of a future professional. Throughout the common sense of everyday labor practices and proposes inside of an academic fraternity the student learns and experience that life has several disparities that demands knowledge and qualifications to solve and deal with them. The benefits resulting from these demands affect not only the academic institution or the student´s life but also the community around. In this study is presented not only the concepts of a fraternity but also shown this idea put in practice inside the society taking the point of view from the student benefits inside the institution and society. In this article was tried to expose how the academic fraternity can be put into practice and shows some numbers regarding investment and timing for its implementation. The results could be taken and analyzed via the implementation and continue day by day study on the fraternity and its fraternal.

Keyphrases: Academic Fraternity, Fraternity, society

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Ulisses Maciel},
  title     = {The Academic Fraternity Contribution for the Future Professional Development},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 1932},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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